Monday, September 26, 2011

more updates

I was cleaning the apartment tonight (well, I was walking around putting away one or two things every 30 seconds or so, in between using my phone to identify songs - whoo, Verizon song id! - from R's old "booty mixes" FOR HER WEDDING AFTERPARTY THAT'S IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS [had to do that]) and came across Tess Gerritsen's The Bone Garden, which I read at some point this summer / early fall, I don't really remember when. I vaguely remember it - one of those two parallel stories, different timelines kind of things. It was fun enough, but mostly because it was set in Boston and New England, and that's always fun. But a lot of silliness, too. And I guess the medical examiner who makes a brief appearance in the contemporary storyline is the protagonist of her own  series (and television show) - Dr. Isles?
I remember I added the book to my "might be amusing?" list a while ago, after I saw The Bone Gatherers (nonfiction, about early Christianity and women, if I remember correctly) at the Harvard Bookstore, and went to look it up at the library, and then saw this one, and was mildly intrigued by the brief description in the catalog...I think it worked out.
Anyhow, at least it's another book that I read semi-recently...hopefully after all the wedding stuff is over (YAY, MY BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIED IN 12 DAYS!!!) life will calm down a bit and I will get back to plenty of reading.

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