Friday, July 16, 2010

Might be time to take a break from the Tudors...

Finished Rory Clements' Martyr - An Elizabethan Thriller just now.  It wasn't terrible, but it definitely wasn't great, either.  Stock characters and fairly predictable.  Coming on the heels of the Shardlake books, this one, set a generation later, was not nearly as fun.  Passed the time though.  But I think I need to pick something different off the shelf for my next book.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It is too freaking hot and sticky right now.  But, that is good "lay in bed with the fan directly on me while I read" weather, especially on a sore and crabby Saturday afternoon.  Hence, powered through Revelation by C. J. Sansom (good - seriously - not great literature, but I really am impressed that even if Sansom is kinda doing the same thing over and over again, at least he's getting a little better at it each time) and the Maisie Dobbs installment I had missed,
Among the Mad, by Jacqueline Winspear (also good, if not amazing).

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

weekend reading

Started with Fever Dream by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.  Not awesome, but so, SO much better than the last couple of books in the series.  I suspect because the super stupid brother character is gone.  Thank God.  Second-most annoying character appears infrequently, although I suspect she will be more, if not entirely, front and center in the next book (which, as usual, Misters Preston and Child not only hint at constantly throughout the story proper, but plug shamelessly, if ever there was a shameless plugging, in the end papers of the book). 

Next came Sovereign by C. J. Sansom.  I liked this one even better than the last Matthew Shardlake mystery I read - huzzah for authors who get better.  The kinks are clearly being worked out, and I really appreciated that while the author refers to events in past books, he does not ram ads for the previous installments, in the guise of plot, down the reader's throat.

After that (Monday-Tuesday, hooray long weekend!) was "An Abigail Adams Mystery" by Barbara Hamilton called The Ninth Daughter.   I was hoping it'd be good, given the character/setting, but it was...meh.  Not bad, not good.  This may be the "first in a new series!" but I'm not going to be searching out the next one. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

I was wrong

About a plot issue in Dark Fire.  But still rather enjoyed it; I'll probably continue to read the series, but not this weekend, since the library has the latest Agent Pendergast installment for me - although since I am neither sick nor travelling, it seems a bit weird to read one of those!